24 March 2020

Well that is the start of the 3 week lockdown - Done my one exercise today!

Well Boris has spoken and this is day one of the three week lockdown for the uk. You can only exercise once a day - walk, run or cycle so I decided to cycle today. I was up and out after 6am and the roads in Durham were busy. In fact its the most traffic I have seen for four or five days. Not a clue where everyone has come from or going to but lockdown does not seemed to have kicked in quite just yet for many.
It was a real cold start with no sun and a freezing cold breeze but once half way around the sun came out. Durham County Council has decided to close the path going from the rugby club to Maiden Castle yesterday, I did not see any advance warning notices prior to this! also the top road running along the top of Houghall woods is also closed so I had two diversions this morning to mix the route up a little. I just hope the good weather keeps up a while longer otherwise it is going to be really long days!
Below are a few snaps from the ride, enjoy and hopefully more soon -


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