5 June 2024

Sunny & windy very early morning spin along County Durham's old railway lines on the Creo 2.


Nice to back out on the bike again. I did not have any spare time at the weekend as both days were taken up doing jobs in and around the house and going for our big monthly food shop. 
The weather has been mixed but a lot drier than last few weeks but the wind is back again. We had a lovely sunrise and I was up and out before 5.30am. The tracks n trails were lovely and quite at that time of day, hardly seen a sole apart from coming back in there was a few dog walkers. The sun was shinning away for most of the ride but the wind was a killer. On top of that the Garmin was reading 5.5 degrees! I had three tops on and my arm warmers and I was still feeling the cold in the headwind. The lines have dried up lovely again and could have took my rear mudguard off as I only had a couple of wet muddy puddles. The bike is going well but I had a cut to the rear tyre from my last ride which I have had to plug temporary until I patch the tyre.  
All in 25.5 miles with 1500ft of climbing. Below are a few snaps from the ride, enjoy and hopefully more soon-                                                                                                     

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