23 June 2024

Early Sunday morning spin down to Durham, Maiden Castle & Houghall Woods - Trek Marlin+


Today I was up and out early doors as I had a few jobs to get caught up with when I got back in. It was mainly overcast and cloudy and hovering around 14 to 15 degrees with little wind so was a pleasant ride. It was one of my regular loops down to Durham, around and over to Maiden Castle then through Houghall woods today. The woods have dried up lovely but still a few softish muddy parts. It was lovely and quiet with hardly a sole kicking around. From there it was back around Maiden Castle then up and down The Trod. Back around Durham and home via Frankland and The Sands. I did not do The Carrs loop but still managed to get 16.5 miles in with just under 800ft of climbing in 1hr 21mins. I took the Trek Marlin+ e hardtail mtb. The bike is going well but has developed a dry creak in the saddle / seaptpost clamp area, nothing a good squirt of GT85 will hopefully sort out. Below are a few snaps from the ride, enjoy and hopefully more soon- 

Decided not to wear my gloves, bad idea! Palms are red raw. 

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