20 June 2024

A more sunnier and warmer local rid up to Waskerley Reservoir


We have finally had a break in the rain, strong winds and have some patchy sun and heat. I have not been out on the bike for a week for one reason or another but I could not miss a ride out in some half decent weather for a change. The old railway line is still damp and muddy in the wooded sections so not totally dry and dusty but way better than it was. It was quiet on the way out but very busy on the way back down. I was flying going up as I had a tailwind, this meant a headwind nearly all the way back down. I took the Creo 1 as it had my 700c wheelset on so less drag and easier going on my legs. All in 34.5 miles in 2hr 32mins with 1500ft of climbing. Below are a few snaps from the ride, enjoy and hopefully more soon- 

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