22 June 2024

Beamish to Ebchester n back via Consett - C2C


Another sunny day so time for another ride. I was over Beamish way so parked up and dropped straight onto the old railway line, C2C heading towards Consett. Again another strong headwind all the way up. Once at the crossroads junction I decided to turn right and head over to the Derwent Walk. I flew down to Ebchester where I decided to turn n burn as they say. There was not many others out so the going was ok. I took the Creo 1 gravel as it was fully charged after the previous ride and still dirty. There are still some sections of dampness and mud in between the dry and dusty sections. Even though there was strong wind the temperature was up again and feeling rather warm for a change. Finally into my summer kit and enjoying the good weather. It did not feel like I was flying so much as my previous ride but my average speed was about right for this route. On the way back down to Beamish from Consett there more people out n about so was very stop start with dogs running about all over the place. I did a little extra ta the end to get a few more miles in. All in 32.5 miles in 2hrs 23mins with 1300ft of climbing. Below are a few photos from the ride, enjoy and hopefully more soon- 

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