12 May 2024

Spin out on my Trek Procaliber 9.8 xc hardtail mtb in 22 degrees


I had planned on going out on my Trek Marlin+ e mtb this morning for a 15-20 mile local ride but my legs were not feeling the best when I got out of bed. Instead I dragged out five of my bikes and gave them all a good wash, degrease, dry, lube and sort out. - Creo 1 road, Creo 1 gravel, Creo 2 gravel, Trek Marlin+ and Trek Procaliber 9.8. I missed out my Cannondale Synapse Neo as I washed it from my last ride and has not been out since. 
After that the sun was blazing away and the temperature had shot up. I decided to stick the Trek hardtail mtb in the back of my van and parked up at Bearpark. I hoped onto the old railway line and headed towards Lanchester. It was very busy and it had clouded over gain so was cooler in the shade of the trees etc along the line. Once at Lanchester I turned and burned and headed back. Once at Bearpark I kept going to Broompark picnic area and then I went along the line to Ushaw Moor where I turned and headed back to Bearpark. The lines were a lot quieter now as it was dinnertime. The sun had come back out and the Garmin shot up to 23 degrees. It was lovely to ride a manual bike again but my legs were saying something different. The bike was covered in dust when I finished the 17.5 miles. I have not seen that in a very long time! It took me 1hr 22min with less than 300ft of climbing. The only downside was there was stiff wind. Below are a few snaps from the short spin, enjoy and hopefully more soon- 

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