31 May 2024

Cold and windy spin up and the C2C to Hownsgill


Another day and another spin out. It was cold and windy on the spin up the C2C to Hownsgill / the gate at the A68 crossing. The Garmin never got above 7.4 degrees and the wind was a chilling killer! It was a straight forward out n back route but I took a road diversion at Greencroft / Annfield Plain on the way back down to miss out the muddy section. I took the Creo 2 gravel bike again as it was still covered in mud from the previous ride. There was more tarmac sections today on the old railway line but the gravel sections were bad with big puddles and mud. As for the wind it was a strange one, felt like I had a headwind on the way up but on the way back it still felt like a headwind in places, I could not escape from it. Again hardly a sole out n about apart from a few dog walkers and a couple of other cyclists. All in 23 miles with 850ft of climbing. Below are a few snaps from the ride, enjoy and hopefully more soon- 

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