23 July 2024

Back out on one of my regular mainly off road gravel loops - Bishop Auckland, Spennymoor etc


Well I dragged my lazy arse back out on the bike again. Today was one of my regular loops that I have not been able to do as Durham County Council have been resurfacing the old railway along the Bishop to Spennymoor section but its all finished now apart from scraping the verges back on the very last section going into Spenny. It was mainly overcast and cloudy with the odd sunny spell for a few minutes. I also had a strong headwind all the way out but flying coming back into Bishop. The old railway lines are mainly bone dry considering the couple of very heavy showers over the last 48 hours. There was not many others out and about either so had my head down and pushed on. I only stopped once for some photos at Croxdale so not many below. All in just over 19 miles in 1hr 16 mins with 700ft of climbing. Enjoy and hopefully more soon- 

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