28 July 2024

A lovely early Sunday morning sunny local ride on Co Durham's old railway lines.


Another glorious sunny morning to be out on the bike early doors. It was a nippy start again with the Garmin reading around 8 degrees but there was alot less wind today so felt warmer. I had a rough route planned in my head but gave it a few tweaks when I was out on the bike. It was lovely and quiet first thing with a few dog walkers and other cyclists out enjoying the descent weather. We had some rain showers yesterday but did not come to much really. The lines are still bone dry and dusty with less muddy / damp sections as the days go by. I was out on the Creo 1 gravel again as it was in the back of my van. I will not explain where the loop went as there is a map at the bottom of the blog. All in just over 38 miles in 2hrs 52mins with just under 2000ft of climbing. Enjoy the few snaps below and hopefully more soon - 

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