26 August 2024

Finally back out again enjoying the fresh air - Durham City, Maiden Castle, Houghall Woods emtb loop


I have just looked back and it has been ten days since I have last slung a leg over a saddle! Not sure what is going on but I have had no motivation what so ever and feeling generally tired and run down. We have been going for days out n about and a couple of car shows and really enjoyed my time out and about in the fresh air but just not on a bike. I woke early this morning after a better nights sleep and there was no sun rise. After a couple of hours lazing about I decided to change into my cycling kit and go for a ride. I had to pump up the tyres on my Trek Marlin+ emtb and I was off. It looked cold and windy so had on my pertex but the sun came out within ten minutes of leaving. It was just my regular loop down to Durham, Maiden Castle, Houghall woods, The Trod, Frankland, The Sands, The Carrs n back. The tracks n trails are all generally dry'ish and mud free considering the amount of recent rain we have had. Durham was lovely and quiet at 7.30am on a Bank Holiday Monday but by the time I come back through there was quite a few cars already parked up for the car show and others milling around. It wa lovely to have some sun on my back and felt warm for a change. Saying that as I am typing this it has clouded over again and the wind has picked up.
Below are a few snaps from the loop, all in just under 17 miles in 1hr 26mins with 850ft of climbing, enjoy and hopefully more soon -  

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