12 November 2020

Back out on the bike again, thank the lords. A local mainly gravel loop

Well I took a couple of hours off work this morning as the forecast was for some much needed sunshine for a change. Well it started off cloudy / overcast but the sun did eventually come through and what a beautiful local loop it was. I parked up at Broompark and headed off up along the old railway line to Stanley Crook then down to Crook. Once at Crook I hit the tarmac for another climb and fast descent down to the Coop at Willington. I turned left here and picked up another old railway line back to Broompark. 17.50 miles and my legs were feeling it. It has been just under 8 weeks since I have slung my leg over a top tube and by god it was nice to be back out again. I thought the lines would have been up the naff's but they were reasonable dry and mud free considering the amount of rain we have had recently. The lines were also lovely and quiet with just a few others out and about during lockdown. Well I say lockdown it does not feel like lookdown up here in Co Durham. The roads are chokka with traffic and it seems like a normal day/week/month apart from a few shops closed. Anyway below are a few snaps from the ride, enjoy and hopefully more soon - 




  1. Good to see you back on the bike! I've missed reading your posts and product reviews

  2. Thanks, still busy around my sons house, bathroom & kitchen to finish etc but the bulk of the work has been done now. I have missed all of my Autumn riding which I enjoy but the weather has been really crap so hopefully some good frosts and some winter sun over the coming months. All the best
